Sanctuary of the Congregation of the Ursulines of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus

Address ul. św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej 1, 64-045 Pniewy
Phone +48612938100
The Sanctuary of St Ursula Ledóchowska - it was there that St Ursula founded the first Congregation of the Ursulines of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus in 1920 after returning from Scandinavia. In 1989, the relics of Ursula Ledóchowska were moved from Rome to Pniewy (placing the body in a special sarcophagus). Her canonization helped spread her cult and eventually lead to the construction of the sanctuary with a memorial chamber and St Ursula’s statue.  


Poznań Lake District

About the region The Local Development Strategy area is located in the Poznań Lake District and...

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