Museum of Drawa and Noteć Forests. Granary

Address plac Wolności 11, 66-530 Dobiegniew
Phone +48957620948
The first museum in Drezdenko was opened in 1885 and displayed archaeological finds, historic items, coins, furniture, old prints and maps. At the beginning of the 20th Century, the museum was moved to the newly built school. The building was destroyed in 1945; the fate of the museum items is unknown. In the 1970s, Mr. Franciszek Graś began working towards building a new museum. He gathered a collection of items which were used to create a Memorial Room, which survived for 5 years. Thanks to his further efforts, in 1981, the Polish Monument Conservation Units (Polskie Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków) began renovating the 17th Century granary. The renovation took around five years to complete, with the District Museum in Gorzów providing professional assistance. Franciszek Graś became the first director of the new institution. The permanent exhibition displays items related to the history of Drezdenko and the activities undertaken by the local citizens, such as hunting, farming, forestry, beekeeping and housekeeping. Ten years after the death of the first director, the Museum of the Drawa and Noteć Forests was named after him.


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